

Nutrition and Its Importance In Creating That Ripped Physique

When it comes to men’s nutrition for body building one of the most important food sources are proteins, you will gain little muscle mass without sufficient levels of proteins in your system. Most body builders use supplements as way of increasing their overall intake of proteins because it is very hard to get sufficient amounts ...


The Benefits of Green Tea to Men’s Health

Green Tea is an ingredient that increasingly pops up when discussing men’s health concerns. Although it’s been utilized for hundreds of years for medicinal purposes, it seems like new benefits are being revealed all the time. According to numerous scientific studies, the effects of green tea are currently being considered for treatment of a number ...


Cool Men Style – Interesting Tips to Be Trendy

Today’s men love to be tagged as Mr. Cool rather than Mr. Perfect. The passion for fashion has been transmitted from women to today’s men. The increasing enthusiasm of men being tagged as Mr. Cool has led to tremendous changes in their shopping patterns and buying options. Men who used to wear expensive brands are ...


Dating Tips For Men – Style Yourself For Success

Most websites, books, and articles offering dating tips for men focus on teaching skills like opening, defeating approach anxiety, escalating sexual tension, and developing strong inner game. While those things definitely are important, learning how to style yourself for success is also a vital step on the path towards seduction mastery. If you want to ...


Men, Style and Reading Glasses?

If your morning paper is getting difficult to read, maybe it’s time to consider a pair of reading glasses. Sure, reading glasses might belie your age. After all, you don’t see many 20-somethings sporting a pair, right? However, women are attracted to older, distinguished-looking men – just ask Harrison Ford or Sean Connery. Those new ...


The Classic Desert Boot for Men: Style and Comfort

The desert boot has become an iconic item of footwear, but its origins were not exactly fashionable. It was the officers of the British 8th Army, stationed in Egypt, who took to wearing comfortable crepe-soled suede boots, roughly fashioned by artisans working in Cairo’s Old Bazaar, who started the trend. When Nathan Clark, one of ...


Top Weight Loss For Men Diet Plan – Dr Oz Review

If you’re looking for the best men’s diet plan, a recent Dr Oz review by America’s celebrity dietitian, recently argued that by far the most effective diet plan for a man is threefold: diet, exercise and a natural fat burner. Dr Oz suggests that men are extremely fortunate when it comes to shredding weight as ...