Articles for category: probiotics


Probiotics Are an Essential Element to the Immune System

Medical professionals have confirmed that a total of at least 80% of the overall immune system actually resides in the area of the digestive system. Having a healthy immune system means that you will experience less sickness and your overall health will be optimized. This means that you should take the health of the digestive ...


Are Probiotic Foods The Good Bacteria Our Body Needs?

The typical human brain weights about 3 pounds, & a healthy human body will have over 3.5 pounds of probiotic good bacteria & organisms. This and the fact that our heart weights only 0.7 pounds and liver weights about 4 pounds, makes our probiotic bacteria one of the largest organs in our body. Probiotics are ...


China – A New Frontier in the Probiotics Market

It was first introduced in Japan in the early 80’s where it was marketed as a functional food. It was primarily used for fortifying the food with ingredients that provide health benefits. They are called Probiotics. According to the WHO, Probiotics are termed as “live micro-organisms, which when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health ...


Probiotics and the Importance in Health

With all the hype about how probiotics are the “new health miracle”, you might be wondering if it’s nothing more than a New Age gimmick, but did you know that the word “probiotic” actually means “for life” and these little microorganisms can be powerful enough to knock the socks off of some serious ailments? Not ...


Feed Your Probiotics Well

Many people are beginning to realize the importance to their health of taking probiotics supplements. Probiotics are the beneficial microorganisms living in our intestines that help us digest food. Probiotics benefit us by preventing diarrhea and constipation, calming irritable bowel syndrome, and helping our bodies fight infection. It has even been shown that a healthy ...