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Deputies report that a man runs over and kills a man who stole his bike from Craigslist Greenville

According to the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office, a Lyman man was accused of running over and murdering a man who had stolen his motorcycle from Craigslist.

Nowell Harrison Riddle reported that a man took his motorcycle for a test drive following responding to a Craigslist advertisement and never returned it, according to the report.

Greenville County police said that Riddle called them on Sunday at 4:45 pm. He said that he saw Riddle riding his stolen motorcycle, and that he followed him.

Riddle said that he had followed the motorcycle to Kangaroo on Pelham Road. When the motorcyclist attempted to drive off, Riddle collided with the motorcycle and his car. According to deputies, Steven Russell Ridenour (36), of Greer, was killed at the scene.

Monday’s deputies stated that Riddle deliberately struck Ridenour by running over and dragging him several steps. Deputies stated that Riddle was carrying his infant child in the car. Deputies also said that Riddle was charged with unlawful neglect.