
Runner’s Knee Symptoms And Treatment


If you are an athlete or you lead an active life, you should know that visiting a podiatrist as soon as you feel that your feet, knees, ankles hurt is very important. If you need a suggestion for a podiatrist Bondi Junction, Orthotic Solutions Podiatry is the best choice, all you have to do is call.

This is not something that only applies to runners, as anyone who spends time doing stuff that requires you to bend your knee and use your legs, like walking, running, biking or jumping, can get this injury. This is also known as the patellofemoral pain syndrome.

Runner’s knee

This is not known as a specific injury, as it is used as a broad term that will describe the pain that you feel when you have many knee problems; for example, if you have a condition where cartilage under the kneecap will break down, that can lead to runner’s knee.

Runner’s knee injury can happen on any of your exercise routines that require knee movement

There are several reasons why this can happen:

– Overuse is one of the most common reasons behind this injury. When you do a lot of bending repeatedly or even high-stress exercises(for example, lunges), you can easily cause irritation to your knee joint.

– If you suffer a direct knee hit, like a blow or a fall, it might result in runner’s knee.

– When your bones are not lined up, which is also known as the malalignment. This means that if any of the bones that lead from your hips to the ankles are out of positions, which includes kneecaps as well, that can put a lot of pressure on particular spots in the joint. In that situation, you kneecap will not be able to move smoothly and that will case you pain.

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– If you have problems with your feet, for example the hypermobile feet injury which is when your joints in and around your feet will move more than they should, overpronating or faller arches also known as flat feet. Those injuries or conditions may change the way you walk, which results in knee pain.

– Unbalanced or weak thigh muscles may also be the culprits. Your quadricep muscles that are in front of your thigh will keep your kneecap in one place when you are bending or stretching the joint. However, if they are weak or tight, the kneecapwill probably not stay in one spot.


The main symptom you will notice is pain, and it can happen anywhere around your kneecap; when you bend it, walk, kneel, run, squat or do any exercises that require you to move your kneecaps. You might also be diagnosed by runner’s knee after you go to a doctor, without even knowing you have it.

There are many ways you can deal with the pain and speed up the recovery at home

The treatment?

Usually, runner’s knee problem will get better with time on its own, without any necessary treatments needed. But to speed up the recovery you have a bunch of methods you can use; for example, try resting your knee, putting ice on your knee, wrapping it in an elastic bandage, elevate your leg on a pillow, and so on. All of this should be discussed with your podiatrist.

Final word

Many people suffer from runner’s knee and when you go too long without treatment when it is necessary, you might get an even worse outcome. The usual recovery time for feet injuries is not that long, so make sure you get it checked and call for a Kingsford Podiatry.

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