
Waterless Cooking Demystified – Part 2 – How Does Waterless Cookware Work?


The secret is in the special design of the cookware. Each pot and pan is made of high-quality stainless steel with an aluminum or copper plate at the bottom for ideal conduction of heat. An iron core completes the construction; iron has a very high heat capacity and will retain heat longer than other cookware materials.

When food is placed in a waterless cooking vessel, the natural liquid begins to evaporate, causing the specially designed lid to form a seal. This keeps all of the liquid inside the cookware, resulting in the food stewing in its own juices. Additionally, various advanced knobs help you to regulate cooking temperature:

* Knobs with Stream Control Valve: once the juices have sealed the lid and formed enough steam, a steam valve sounds a warning for you to turn the heat to low.

* Knobs with Thermo Control : a color coded thermometer on the knob helps you to regulate the cooking temperature quickly and easily, once desired temperature reaches you can turn the heat to low and simmer to finish cooking.

The temperature inside the cookware will remain steady due to the iron core, and the food will cook quickly and naturally.


Waterless cooking is an excellent way to prepare healthy, tasty meals easily and quickly. A good set of waterless cookware will have all of the characteristics required for successful waterless cooking and may have additional featured to further expedite the process. Moreover, the features that make cookware suitable for waterless cooking will also make it well suited for other types of cooking, so a waterless cookware set can be an excellent addition to an existing cookware collection or can be a very cost effective choice for all of a kitchen’s cooking needs in that it can be used for waterless or traditional cooking techniques.

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Read the remaining articles in the series of Waterless Cooking Demystified: What is Waterless Cooking and Waterless Cookware? What are the 7 Advantages of Waterless Cooking?…

About the author: Joyce is an enthusiastic cook. Over decades of cooking, she’s experienced diverse cuisines and has utilized many kinds of specialty cookware. She has extensive knowledge of natural food and health and many years of practice of Tai chi and Yoga. She has come to recognize waterless cooking as the ultimate cooking technique for healthier and tastier meals for a person or family with a busy lifestyle.

Joyce is an enthusiastic cook. Over decades of cooking, she’s experienced diverse cuisines and has utilized many kinds of specialty cookware. She has extensive knowledge of natural food and health and many years of practice of Tai chi and Yoga. She has come to recognize waterless cooking as the ultimate cooking technique for healthier and tastier meals for a person or family with a busy lifestyle.