
How to Choose the Right Hair Loss Solution


It is never easy to lose your hair or go bald. But, the US government has approved two hair loss treatments. These are the finasteride and minoxidil chemicals. They’re not a scam. They do work. There are however significant differences between them.

Finasteride, a powerful chemical, requires a prescription. You can Buy Finasteride in Canada. A 5-year study showed that 48% of men who were treated with Finasteride saw some hair growth. 42% of men treated with finasteride experienced some regrowth but only 22% reported any further hair loss.

Finasteride is not recommended for women, and they should avoid touching it, particularly if they are pregnant or could be. Finasteride may cause abnormalities to a male baby’s sexual organs.

Some men may experience sexual side effects from finasteride. These include erectile dysfunction. These side effects can persist even after users stop using finasteride, according to some users. Depression is another side effect.

Minoxidil on the other side doesn’t cause such side effects. Minoxidil has many products specifically designed for women. Minoxidil can be purchased without a prescription. Minoxidil can cause a dry, flaky scalp. Minoxidil is often combined with powerful moisturizers to stop the scalp from drying out.

Provillus, a minoxidil product, comes with a dietary supplement or pill that contains vitamins, minerals and herbs. These are essential for healthy hair growth. Some studies on hair loss have shown that the herbal saw palmetto may block an enzyme (5 alpha-reductase), which prevents testosterone from being converted into dihydrotestosterone. This is known to cause male and female balding.

Minoxidil should be applied twice daily to the scalp. Minoxidil should be applied twice daily. If you stop using it, your hair will fall back. It’s important to be patient. Minoxidil can take a while to start working. Minoxidil can cause additional hair loss. This is called “shedding”, and it’s normal. This is when your hair becomes thinner and weaker. It will be replaced with thicker, more healthy hair.

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