
Glorious Health Club


The Glorious Health Club and Art Gallery, a gay-owned art gallery, has an approved DC inspected steam and a shower area. Here you can enjoy relaxing and looking at the works of Washington DC’s gay artists. This place is described as an art gallery and spa, as well as a community center for gay men. Temporarily closed due to Covid-19 restrictions: The steam room section, boxing area, and artist room storage rentals

No bar, no alcohol. There is no dress code, except Glorious Health Club for the face mask. You can still walk around naked but you will Swope Health need to wear a mask. No cost lubricant or condoms, no parking fees, and no lockers. Large patio.

Open 24 hours a day. Membership not required. Entry: $16 daily from 5:55 AM to 6:55 pm. Monday through Thursday, $20 nighttime prices beginning at 7 pm. Friday and Saturday: $25 at 7 pm. Sunday: $20 starting at 7 pm.


Our belief is that exploring the world requires personal connections. We believe authentic experiences can help you connect with people and cultures from around the world. Misterb&b is a way to share your talents and passions with LGBTQ travelers, and make money! You can list your experience, regardless of whether it is a tour, dinners or massages, coaching, or any other service. It’s completely free and there are no fees.

Public Transportation to Glorious Health Club Washington

Are you looking for directions to the Glorious Health Club, Washington, United States? Moovit will help you determine the best route to Glorious Health Club. It also provides step-by-step directions to the closest public transit station.

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Moovit offers maps and live directions that will help you navigate your city. You can view schedules, routes and timetables in real-time, and see how long it takes you to get to Glorious Health Club.

You are looking for the closest station or stop to Glorious Fitness Club? This list shows the closest stops to Glorious Health Club: West Virginia Ave NE+ 17th St NE, West Virginia Ave NE+ 16th St NE, Montana Ave NE+ New York Ave NE; Bladensburg Rd NE+ Rand Pl NE. Benning Rd and 15th St NE. Rhode Island Metro Station.

Do you want to find out if there is another route? Moovit allows you to find alternate routes and times. Moovit App and Website makes it easy to find directions to Glorious Health Club.

We make it easy to ride to Glorious Health Club. This is why more than 930 million people, including those in Washington, use Moovit as their best app for public transportation. Moovit is the all-in-one app for public transit that allows you to find the best train or bus times.

MPD officers and DOH inspectors routinely do surprise walk-through inspections. They have noticed that most people were wearing masks correctly and appeared to be social distancing correctly.