

Where Are the Fitness Presenters?

The elite Fitness Presenters used to be so easy to spot. Take a look at any IDEA Journal and the fitness industry leaders were always there promoting. Maybe they were more obvious because most everything came by postal mail forcing me to at least pay attention between the mail box and my front door. Today ...


Must Have Fitness Equipment For Your Daily Workout at Home

Due to the increasing number of people falling into the overweight and obese category there is also an increasing number of individuals who are becoming obsessed about their weight. These individuals are often found in the gyms working out in the hopes that they will burn enough stored calories to maintain their ideal weight. However, ...


An Overview on Physical Fitness and Its Components

Physical fitness can simply be defined as a general state of good physical health. In spite of an age, it can be described as a condition that majorly helps an individual look or feel mentally as well as physically better. In fact, in its simplest meaning, it is very similar to that of the fine ...


The New Lifestyle Diet Vs Medifast – The Truth

As a former Medifast customer that switched to the New Lifestyle Diet, I have been asked by countless friends and family members why I made the switch. I have been more then happy to tell people Furthermore, I have been reading articles on the Internet comparing the two programs and I felt that the truth ...


The Top Six Cancer Causing Lifestyle Habits

Cancer is becoming more and more prevalent these days mainly because we refuse to improve our health and our lifestyles. With just some small changes, the entire human race can really improve things 180 degrees, but consistent action is needed. Let’s take a look at the top 6 cancer causing habits… when you change these, ...


Core Fitness – Get in Your Best Shape by Using Your Torso

Everywhere you look, there are stories popping up all over the place about fitness training and which type of training people will receive the most benefits from. Most fitness and exercise routines point people towards working every zone of their body in order to achieve the maximum workout. For example, if a person wanted to ...